About Us

We aim to make life a little easier for all Australians.

We do this with Moneymgmt, which is a simple platform that allows you to track all of your assets and assists you to better manage your money.

Our aim is to try to reduce the amount of time and stress you currently put into managing all of your finances, so you can spend more time doing all the things you love!

Additionally, our team believes in solving everyday problems and making life easier with tech. We feel that the FinTech’s in the Australian market have a responsibility to collaborate and work together in order to keep solving problems and inefficiencies. This is why we focus on bringing you news, content and share around new players in the space that share our unified vision.

Our Team

  • Brodie Haupt

    Brodie Haupt


  • Drew Haupt

    Drew Haupt


  • Ben Crow

    Ben Crow


  • Marco Zande

    Marco Zande

    Strategy Executive

  • Jesse Lee

    Jesse Lee

    Digital Product Manager

  • Elliott Johnston

    Elliott Johnston

    Front End Developer

  • Foster Burton

    Foster Burton


  • Joel Mechielsen

    Joel Mechielsen


  • Miguel Nitorreda

    Miguel Nitorreda

    Data Analyst

To get in contact with the
team from Moneymgmt, please email
